Discussion #7 Chapter 8 and 9

Description This Week Courts – Zoom lectures: https://ivc-edu.zoom.us/rec/share/X8R7lWuhNYkjjkwD0irtlwp417A2xQiUAbxb1sZkXWAZsmbpvswCg7CTratY9ajD.Ik5s8LqHmuN3X02h?startTime=1697570724000Links to an external site. The essence of the American system of justice is its adversarial nature, in which the state must prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The defendant is entitled to a vigorous, professional defense that need only prove the existence of real doubt…

Discussion 10 of 18 (Module 6): Ocean Conservation and Citizen Science

Description One way for a marine enthusiast to participate in ocean conservation is as a citizen scientist. Citizen science engages individuals or teams of volunteers, many of whom have no special scientific training, in research-related tasks. This allows scientists to accomplish research objectives more easily and also promotes public engagement with science research. To learn…

Use of Force Discussion PART 2

Description Recorded Zoom Lecture: https://ivc-edu.zoom.us/rec/share/NePlpD4dubt7ULNP…Links to an external site. THE FOLLOWING IS YOUR ASSIGNMENT: **FYI, you will be watching a critical incident that can be disturbing** In particular, the final moments of the video where lethal force is used. You do not have to watch that part if you care not to…you can still complete…

Discussion 8 of 18 (Module 5): Human Population Growth

Description What is the world population ? At this very minute?? Go here: http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/Links to an external site. scroll down to see how population has changed over time. Explore global population growth here: https://ourworldindata.org/world-population-growthLinks to an external site. Watch this TED talk by Hans Rosling:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTznEIZRkLLinks to an external site. After looking at these websites and…

Discussion 9 of 18 (Module 5): Thoughts on Industrial vs Sustainable Agriculture

Description After completing Module 4, review the following statements regarding agricultural practices: GMOs should be on our shelves GMOs should be banned OR We can feed the world with organic agriculture Organic agriculture is great, but we can’t feed the world with it Pick one of these statements, and defend your position. Include at least…

Discussion #9 Chapter 10

Description Chapter 10 Sentencing The U.S. Constitution bans “cruel and unusual punishments,” but the exact meaning of this phrase has changed greatly between the time the Constitution was written in the late eighteenth century and the present day. Whether or not that constitutional language now makes it appropriate to ban the death penalty is a…