I need tow separate replies on this discussion

Description I need tow separate replies on this discussion 1-Balancing Research Design Perspectives in Studying Pain and Quality of Life in Advanced Cancer Patients The ongoing debate within our interprofessional team regarding the research design for our study, which investigates the connection between the perception of pain severity and the quality of life in advanced…

I need two separate responses to the discussion

Description I need two separate responses to the discussion 1-The clinical quality problem I am trying to improve will be CAUTIs and I will apply a quasi-experimental design for quality improvement. Quasi-experimental designs test cause and effect relationships, but they are missing the random assignment or presence of a control group. I would apply a…

Individual question

Description Module 2 Individual Case Study Discussion Questions Chapter 5 Evan and Marlyce have a 4-year-old son (Micah) who has cerebral palsy. Their life is very challenging because they both have to work and recently lost their home to foreclosure. Micah is being discharged to home this afternoon, and Marlyce is obviously anxious. Marlyce states,…


Description Assignment: Common Perceptual Tendencies & Perception Checking Graded Discussion No unread replies.No replies. Objectives: to create examples of common perceptual tendencies to apply the perception checking skill to specific situations by creating complete perception checks Overview: In the initial post, we will be describing examples of times we have experienced common perceptual tendencies that…

Cultural Diversity Worksheet

Description Cultural Diversity Worksheet As a healthcare provider, it is important to care for a patient and maintain their culture as much as possible. Using this worksheet, fill out the boxes for specific cultures (listed below). Different cultures have different values, beliefs and practices. A woman’s cultural background can affect her needs and expectations during…

Drug Spend

Description In this assignment, you will get hands-on with real data from Husky Health, Connecticut’s Medicaid program. This publicly available data shows Husky Health’s drug spend for their Fee-For-Service population broken down to the NDC level. • Anderson, L. A. (2020, Oct 1). National Drug Codes Explained. Drugs.com. You will be working with this (and…

there are two article I need you to comment on both

Description First homework, Please review and comment in 2 pages on the attached article. A new era for bilingual education in California. https://kappanonline.org/a-new-era-for-bilingual-education-in-california/Links to an external site. 2 Second homework, Please finish reading the Palmer text Heart of Teacher from page 10 to the end. And provide a comprehensive paper on the subject showing your…

Nursing discussion

Description You are part of an interprofessional team working on a study that looks at the relationship of perception of pain severity and quality of life in advanced cancer patients. Some of your colleagues think it is a cross-sectional design but others think it is a quasi-experimental design because it has several specific hypotheses. How…

Nursing discussing

Description I want you to pick any clinical quality problem and apply either an experimental or quasi-experimental design for quality improvement. Which design would you use and why? What are the strengths and weakness of this chosen design method? (Make sure when you answer, you tell me what quality problem you are trying to improve…