Information Technology Question

Description Paper Instructions: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate knowledge of key terms andconcepts from the course materials and related readings. You will need toconduct additional research in other to answer the question(s) asked. The focusof your paper is to concentrate on the ethical concerns. Time spent on anytechnical math or science concerns…

Week 1 Discussion

Description Watch the three videos below. Share your thoughts on these questions. How would you describe China’s economy prior to the market-based reforms of the 1980s and 1990s? This system failed to deliver rising living standards to the bulk of China’s population. Why? How would you describe China’s current economic system? What are the benefits…

WU Keeping an Eye on What You Post on Social Media Essay

Description This final paper is a position paper. The paper will establish an ethical position on one of the three aspects of personal privacy (web surfing, work, and social media). You will decide on an ethical position for one aspect of personal privacy and defend (explain) your ethical position using one or more ethical principles…

WU Federal Reserves Focus on Immediate Economic Challenges Discussion

Description Read the ProPublica Article,… Familiarize yourself with the general content of all Week 1 Readings and Resources The ProPublica article presents a central theme that the FED is focusing on the present at the expense of the future.  How?   (a) By lowering interest rates the Fed increases home prices, benefiting current homeowners…

WU Managing a Global vs Domestic Supply Chain Difference Essay

Description After you read The Difference Between Managing a Global vs. Domestic Supply Chain is a Matter of DegreeLinks to an external site., you will be tasked with writing an analysis of the article using the following outline: Author’s View Point – what is the context in which the author is writing? Author’s Purpose –…

WU Analysis of IBM and Samsung Strategic Plans Paper

Description Using the internet, find two or more recent (e.g., within the past 3 years) IT Strategic Plans. You will compare the selected plans and: Provide a brief overview of the plans to include: URL of each plan The organization’s name, location (state and/or country) The organization’s primary industry (e.g., Education, Data Processing, Clothing, Electronic,…

WU Information Technology Comparing SDLC and PMLC Presentation

Description you will compare the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to the Project Management Life Cycle (PMLC). Note: The Systems Development Life Cycle is not the same as the Software Development Life Cycle. Do not use the Software Development Life Cycle in this comparison. Your presentation must: Explain the purpose and use of each model…

WU Management Budgeting in A Business Environment Discussion

Question Description I’m working on a management question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Using information from a well-known accounting journal, provide a summary of a published article that relates to budgeting, the budgeting process, the value of budgeting, or generally related to the application of budgeting in a business environment….

WU Management Market Cap and Dividend Yield Calculation Essay

Description Using the readings and resources provided this week, along with your own research, provide the following information for your any corporation you pick… What financial market, NYSE or NASDAQ, is your assigned corporation listed on?  Why does it matter? Current Market Capitalization: Using the provided Excel template, show the calculation: Market Cap = Shares…