The book is Blink: the power of thinking without thinking by Malcolm gladwell


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Section 1:

Follow the directions below to create sentences, and then you will put it all together to make body paragraph 2 : )

Part 1A: Transition + topic sentence that introduces an argument Gladwell makes, a counter argument [why people might disagree], and a rebuttal [how would Gladwell respond to what others say]Do not put the words argument, counterargument or rebuttal into your topic sentence!

Part 1B: The argument

Transition + Main Point 1 Gladwell argues that …

Context + “Quote from text illustrating argument” (pg).

Explanation of how the quote supports the argument.

Part 1C: Counterargument

Transition + Main Point 2 where some people might disagree with Gladwell because …

Context + “Quote from text illustrating counterargument” (pg).

Explanation of how the quote supports the counterargument

Part 1D: Rebuttal

Transition + Main Point 3 Gladwell would say those people are wrong because …

Context + “Quote from text illustrating rebuttal” (pg).

Explanation of how the quote supports rebuttal

Part 1E: Put all the above sentence together to create body paragraph 2 below:

Section 2:

Choose one big idea from Chapters 3,4,5 to create your paragraph following the below outline. You will notice we are using perfect paragraph structure like we did for Essay 1 🙂 Answer each part below.

1. Use a transition and create a topic sentence to include the idea that 3 important concepts that help decision making found in Gladwell’s text from Chapters 3,4,5 are __________, ____________, _____________.

Write topic sentence here:

2. Transition + main point 1 sentence that explains an important concept in chapter 3
Context + quote that illustrates the concept.
Explanation of why this concept could help someone make a good decision.

Write your quotation sandwich here:

3. Transition + main point 2 sentence that explains an important concept in chapter 4
Context + quote that illustrates the concept.
Explanation of why this concept could help someone make a good decision.

Write your quotation sandwich here:

4. Transition + main point 3 sentence that explains tan important concept in chapter 5
Context + quote that illustrates the concept
Explanation of why this concept could help someone make a good decision.

Write your quotation sandwich here:

Now, put all of those sentences together into a properly formatted paragraph.

Explanation & Answer

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