The International Criminal Court (ICC) and War crimes: the Israel – Palestine conflict


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1) choose a conflict domain; 2) identify a relevant framework for analyzing the conflict; and 3) identify conflict engagement strategies that are most well-suited to addressing the conflict. You are allowed and in fact encouraged to use examples of more than one discrete conflict in your discussion. Rather, discuss the general domain, and use examples and content from the class readings and discussion to illustrate your points. FRAMEWORK and STRATEGIES are discussed in more depth below.


Choose a framework for analyzing this conflict from any of those we’ve studied in the course, or one you find helpful or relevant

Resources include but are not limited to:

  • Dugan’s nested theory of conflict—issue, relationship, subsystem, system (using “Trouble in N. Virginia as an illustration”)
  • Quad-P Analysis-people, problem, process, and practical solutions
  • David J. Smith’s “Action & Engagement Levels” –micro, meso, macro (p. 10-12 of Peace Jobs)

To supplement your analysis, you discuss the dimensions of justice that apply to your conflict. What paradigms apply currently? What paradigms should apply?

Potential resources:

  • Edmund’s “Four Justice Making Models.” Edmunds, p. 313
  • Rawls’ “Theory of Justice (Video)
  • Other sources you deem helpful


How should conflict professionals engage with this domain most productively? What professional knowledge, skills, and strategies are needed?

Potential Resources:

  • “Continuum of Conflict Management & Resolution Approaches.” Conflict Analysis Resources Slide Deck
  • “Nomenclature: Professional Skills & Services” Resources Slide Deck
  • Comparison of Peacebuilding Concepts (Edmunds Chapter 11, Table 11.1, p. 304)
  • Comparison of Conflict Resolution and Conflict Transformation Perspectives (Edmunds Chapter 12, Table 12.1, p. 371)
  • There are no right or wrong answers. The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your accumulated knowledge derived from the course through analysis and illustration. You will be graded holistically and in relation to the performance of the class as a whole. At the same time, I will give attention to each of the following with these weightings in mind: the comprehensiveness and richness of your analysis as demonstrated by appropriately incorporating course themes and readings (20 pts.); integration of your ideas in an organized, persuasive presentation (10 pts.); quality of your examples (10 points); and the clarity and quality of your writing (10 pts.)


___ 12-point font, 1-inch margins

___ 7-9 page limit APA style. Page numbers at bottom right.

___ Thematic title and your name centered at top of first page

Explanation & Answer

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