There has been a striking in young adulthood obesity. ?18-25 years old?APA 7th Edition


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The topic assigned to our group is: There has been a striking in young adulthood obesity.

You are required to write the following two parts based on this topic.

1] Part 1: You will be assigned a consumer-related issue (or “challenge”) that has recently appeared in the media. You will need to conduct further research and investigation to provide a detailed description of the nature and occurrence of the problem/challenge in Australia. Use and apply relevant consumer behavior theories, concepts and frameworks to help communicate the psychology behind the problem (i.e. use consumer behavior theories/concepts/frameworks to try to explain why this problem/challenge arises?).

My part needs 416 words. APA 7

You DO NOT need to include an introduction, conclusion, executive summary or SWOT analysis in your report. You can of course include a few key sentences introducing each section of the report, and a short paragraph to summarise at the end but you don’t need dedicated sections for this. The goal is to address Part 1 and Part 2, and the report should be split into two clear sections addressing Part 1 and Part 2 respectively.

Overall outline

*Person 1 (Person A): Introduction and background to the problem

(1) An introduction to the importance of adolescent obesity and its impact on Australian society.

(2) Provides the latest obesity rate data and trends.

(3) Cite relevant research and statistics to support the severity of the problem.

*The second person (person B): the nature of the problem and influencing factors

1.Explain the nature of the obesity problem in adolescents, including definition, diagnostic criteria, and health risks.

2.Analyze factors that may be contributing to the problem, such as diet, lifestyle and social factors.

3.Cite consumer behaviour theories, concepts, and frameworks to help explain why this problem arises.

*The third person (person C): the occurrence of the problem and the psychological explanation

1. Describe the prevalence of adolescent obesity in Australia, including differences between urban and rural areas.

2. Cite research and data to support the description of the problem.

3. Use consumer behaviour theory and psychological concepts to explain why teenagers may be influenced by advertising, social media, and emotional issues, leading to obesity problems.

Part of my second person (person B) outline: the nature of the problem and influencing factors

1. The nature of adolescent obesity (summarized in two very simple sentences)

(1). Reiterate the definition and diagnostic criteria of adolescent obesity to ensure readers have a clear understanding.

(2). Delve deeper into the specific impacts of obesity on adolescent health, including risks such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and mental health problems.

2. Influencing factors that cause the problem (I need to focus on obesity caused by excessive marketing! Other reasons need to be mentioned briefly without detailed analysis! This part needs to use a lot of reference materials and data to prove this.)

(1). Explore how unhealthy dietary choices and lifestyles directly contribute to obesity, including overconsumption of high-sugar and high-fat foods and lack of physical activity.

(2). Analyze the social factors that influence adolescent obesity, such as family environment, social pressure, and economic factors…

(3). Citing relevant research and data to support obesity caused by excessive marketing! ! ! !

3. Application of consumer behavior theory and psychological framework (The focus is still on part 2, and the third part is simply written)

(1). Use consumer behavior theory and psychological concepts to explain why adolescents are prone to making unhealthy dietary and lifestyle choices.

(2). Connect to content from C highlighting how aggressive marketing, advertising and social media influence teen consumer behavior.

(3). Discuss the psychological stress and emotional problems teens may face and how eating unhealthy foods can serve as a coping mechanism for these emotional challenges.

The main content I need to present: Focus on writing that the aggressive marketing and advertising campaigns of the food industry have greatly affected the consumption habits of young people. These sectors use social media and other avenues to reach young people through persuasion strategies to promote unhealthy foods. For example, visually appealing ads and special offers can increase the appeal of unhealthy choices.

Use extensive references and data to prove this.

Be concerned about excessive marketing

! ! !

Healthy food low marketing issues

! ! ! !

Explanation & Answer

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