this is word case study


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Requirement: In this case study, you can choose one case which shall be related to the leading topics covered from week 7 to week 11 (which include ICT for gender (dis)empowerment, ethical AI, digital social movement from below, cyber-fascism, and the manipulation industry). Please combine the theory taken from week 1 to week 5 with an in-depth analysis of one case selected based on your research interest.

Suggested structure:

Introduction (200 words) – Provide a sense of direction for your case study. To the readers of your case study, provide sufficient information about the context, argument, broad topic, and narrow topic.

Literature review (1000 words) – This section can contain overlaps with the prior literature review, but don’t just copy and paste from the previous assignment. This is a case study and the purpose is different. You have a specific, narrow topic that you are exploring, which may require literature that is connected to the topic area. Don’t just list your literature; avoid the shopping-list style. Provide critical evaluations of the literature. There should be at least 8 pieces of literature. Literature here means peer reviewed sources like journal articles, books, book chapters. News articles are NOT permitted. Feel free to use literature from the weekly readings or lecture slides as well as those you have found from your own research. [You can use news articles, industry reports, websites to provide background to the topic; but those are not sources for reviewing in the lit review].

Case study (1500 words) – Provide an analysis of your case study by examining its background, relevant theories. Focus on narrowing down to a particular context (i.e. MeToo in China; Foxconn case of the iPhone factory). Synthesise with literature you have reviewed.

Discussion & Conclusion (600 words) – Discuss the case through the lens of your chosen theory (for example: technological determinism in the Foxconn case). Make an argument that is informed by the chosen theory. Synthesise with literature you have reviewed. Don’t just write opinion!

References (200 words) – 200 words here is allocated from your writing in the essay as a general word limit: include all the pieces you use in the essay in your reference list. It is okay if this section exceeds the 200 words. Make sure there are at least 8 references. Reference style is APA/Harvard and be consistent with what style you use.

Explanation & Answer

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