Tourism Development Impact Identification Exercise


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just answer the question, and write in apa format, i will also give you three references for the course content.

This assignment requires you to assess a real-world case study on tourism development in
relation to our course content. You will be challenged to use critical thinking to identify the type
of tourism development, key stakeholders, as well as different types of positive and negative
Working individually, watch the following video: The War for Disney’s America, then answer the
following questions:
1. Was Disney’s attempt at opening Disney’s America an example of sustainable tourism
development? Explain why or why not in 3-4 sentences. Use our course content and
using examples from the video to support your answer (2 points)
2. Why did Disney decide to develop a theme park in Haymarket, Virginia?
Identify 1 physical/environmental, 1 socio-cultural, 1 political, and 1 economic factor of
Haymarket as a destination that influenced the proposed development (2 points)
3. Identify 6 different key stakeholder groups involved in this case study. Briefly describe
who they are and explain their position (for/against) the proposed theme park
Provide answers in bullet-point-form (2 points)
4. Disney is an example of a private sector business that operates on the international
scale. Explain how Disney worked with stakeholders on two different scales (national,
state/regional or local) towards developing Disney’s America in 3-4 sentences. (1 point)
5. The proposed theme park development would have caused many different impacts.
Identify six different impacts that would have occurred if Disney’s America had been
developed and explain each in 2-3 sentences. You should also explain how one different
stakeholder would be affected by each impact.
Explain in 2-3 sentences each. Use our course content and using examples from the video
to support your answer (6 points)
a. Identify and explain one positive and one negative economic impact
b. Identify and explain one positive and one negative environmental impact
c. Identify and explain one positive and one negative socio-cultural impact
6. In the video we saw arguments made for and against the development of Disney’s
America. Do you think this development should have gone ahead? Explain why or why
not in 3-4 sentences. Note: you do not have to cite any course content here, but you
should develop a strong answer using your critical thinking skills (1 point)
7. Based off the failure of Disney’s America, provide one piece of advice to guide similar
tourism developments in the future
Explain in 1-2 sentences (1 point)
Total: 15 points
Beginning on a new page provide an APA formatted reference page that includes any course
readings you have cited in the assignment. You do not need to provide references for the
Formatting Requirements and Assignment Tips:
? Use our course content and use examples from the video to support your answers
wherever possible.
? Complete your assignment individually.
? Avoid plagiarism, academic dishonesty.
? Clearly indicate which question you are answering.
? Include page numbers in the written document.
? Use in-text citations and references to refer to course readings.
? You do not need to provide references for the Video.
? Be clear in your writing.
? Avoid spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.
? Follow the instructions regarding answer length. Answers substantially longer or shorter
than specified will be penalized.
? Avoid using quotes whenever possible. Paraphrase all material to demonstrate your
own understanding and writing skills. Use APA format for any quotes used.
? See the APA style guide at:…

Explanation & Answer

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