Underserved population


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For this assignment, you will complete a portion of your Professional Growth Plan final paper that is due in Week 6 by determining who is your underserved population and examine your beliefs toward this population. An underserved population within an educational setting is any group of learners who may face barriers to receiving an equitable education. This may include learners with the following characteristics related to

  • race,
  • socioeconomic status,
  • ethnicity,
  • English language learners,
  • religion,
  • gender,
  • specific disabilities (physical or developmental), or
  • gifted learners
  • Prepare:Prior to beginning work on this assignment,
    • Review the instructions for the Week 6 Professional Growth Plan final paper.
    • Download the required Week 3: Underserved Population TemplateLinks to an external site..
    • Write: Using the required Week 3: Underserved Population TemplateLinks to an external site., complete the following:Audience and Rationale (one to one-and-a-half pages):In your first paragraph,
      • Develop the audience for the focus of your professional growth plan.
        • Consider the following when writing the paragraph about your audience:
          • Who is your target audience? This could be your current instructional setting, and if you are not teaching, it could be your desired instructional setting. You can consider instructional settings from Pre-K, elementary, middle, secondary, military, or corporate.
        • Develop specifics for your audience.
          • What is the class size, age range, grade level, subject area, demographics (gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and socioeconomic status), and special needs (English Language Learners (ELLs), specific disabilities (physical or developmental), and gifted learners)?

      For the remainder of the page requirement,

      • Determine whom you believe to be your underserved population within your audience.
      • Provide a rationale with at least two reasons why you think this population within your audience is underserved in your educational setting.
        • Use at least two outside scholarly and or credible sources to support your rationale.

      Beliefs (one to one-and-a-half pages): In Week 1, you were asked to examine your common beliefs by completing a survey and then comparing your survey results to the common beliefs descriptions. In this section of your paper,

      • Compare your beliefs as it relates to your underserved population and how those beliefs have either changed or strengthened because of what you have learned in this course.
      • Examine how your beliefs could positively and negatively influence your instruction and learners of your underserved population.
      • Provide evidence from the course readings or outside scholarly sources to support your analysis of your beliefs.
        • You may use the same two outside scholarly and or credible sources that you used to provide a rationale above, if applicable.

      Using the template for this week, the Underserved Population paper

Explanation & Answer

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