Unit 5: Instruction Decision Making


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  • Purpose: Consider the contextual factors, characteristics of the classroom, individual students, and design appropriate instruction that utilizes research-based strategies and technology to help students master objectives for the unit of study.
    Unit 5: Objectives: 5.1. Use instructional modifications based on needs of students to modify/delete/add instruction. 5.2. Describe instructional differentiation or modifications based on assessments.
  • Describe instructional strategies that engage students in critical thinking and problem solving and provide differentiated instruction to meet the needs of diverse students as outlined in Step 1 (contextual factors) (I’m going to uploads Unit 1: Contextual completed paper).
    See specific information needed to complete assignment below: In a short answer format, include the following:
    5.1. Instructional modifications based on needs of students.
  • Describe and provide an example of how teaching and/or learning strategies were modified from the original plan to meet the needs of students based on student performance during instruction. (Examples: changing from groups of 4 to pairs, modifying an activity from the original lesson plan, deleting something from the lesson plan or adding something to the lesson plan, etc.)
    • Justify your reasoning for making this accommodation/modification and give specific student behaviors, questions, and/or responses that prompted you to make the accommodation/modification.

    5.2. Instructional differentiation or modifications based on formative assessments.

    • Provide at least one example of how assessment data analysis led to differentiate or modify a specific learning experience of a previously planned activity to accommodate differences in developmental and/or educational needs of your students.
      I’m uploading the completed essays/assignments for Unit 1-Contextual Factors, Unit 2-Learning Goals and Objectives for Lessons, Unit 3-Assessments, and Unit 4-Instructional Design. Unit 5-Instruction Decision Making, which is this assignment. All of these completed unit assignments will help the process of this unit. I’ve also uploaded the grading rubric for this unit. The category of exceptional is what this essay/assignment need to consist of. Everything in the exceptional box is suppose to go in the essay/assignment for objectives 5.1 and 5.2.
      I’m going to uploads other material for this unit.
Explanation & Answer

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