Week 1 Discussion – Your Hypothetical Company and The 4Ps of Marketing


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Introduce yourself by sharing a little bit about your background with your classmates and why you are taking this course.

  • Since
    this is a marketing class, add a tagline or slogan to your introduction
    to convey your personal brand! Welcome to marketing!

Watch this video:


assignments in this course will culminate in creating a marketing plan
for a hypothetical company. Your company will offer a product or
service. You will use the same company and product or service throughout
the course in the assignments and some discussions, so take the time to
think strategically about your decision. For example, I will refer to
my hypothetical dog-walking business throughout the course.

  • Describe the hypothetical company you are creating and the product or service your company will offer.
  • How do you anticipate applying the Four Ps of Marketing to your company?

Be sure to respond to your classmate’s (Ebony) post:

Hello Class,

It’s Ebony the Peacemaker. I am a wife and a mother of two
beautiful children. My daughter is two years old and my son is 7 months
old. Majority of my day consists of chaos and making peace at home and
at work as a claim specialist for homeowners and renters insurance. Even
though it is a challenge I enjoy each day. This class will be a great
way for me to identify different ways to help market my staffing
business that I have owned for the last 4 years. I am looking forward to
applying techniques that I will learn in this class to my personal

The hypothecially company that I will be creating is a work
from staffing business. The company will provide job opportunities to
all individuals to have the opportunity to work from home. Since the
Covid 19 pandemic many companies have turned to remote positions and
reduced the cost of building rental and equipment. Below shows how I
will apply the Four P’s of Marketing:

  • Product: Providing qualified exceptional employees for businesses that need assistance hiring remote employees.
  • Price: Making contract fees affordable for companies and wages fair for employees.
  • Place: Remote locations for all employees and fair negotiation
    of contracts done remotely or in person to gain more business
  • Promotion: The promotion will be done via email, phone, flyers, and social media contact.

I look forward to continuing to build a marketing plan for the
hypothetical company this semester. Let’s have a great semester class!

Explanation & Answer

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