Week 3 and Week 4 Discussion


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I need a 300-word discussion post and 75-word peer response

Week 3 Discussion – Service Positioning versus Product Process

Please respond to the following:

  • Examine the role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in business. Determine how CRM systems can play a critical role in managing value chains.
  • How does LaRosa’s Pizzeria use this technology in order to improve the supply chain and value chain operations? Determine the ways this technology has helped to deliver quality to the customer. Assess the challenges that LaRosa’s Pizzeria might face when trying to implement these types of technologies.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Peer Response:

Melissa Wheeler

Manage Discussion Entry

Hello everyone,

Customer Relationship Management role in business by helping to manage customer interactions and improve profitability. It enables the building and management of the relationship between the customer and the company. Customer Relationship Management systems help identify the value of customers and the marketing efforts of the consumer. CRM system improves the value chain by automating various tasks like processing, customer services, and sales.

The value chain is a process in a company that adds value to its materials to produce products that are eventually sold to consumers. The supply chain represents the steps required to get the product to the customer. The value chain gives companies an advantage in the industry, and the supply chain leads to overall customer satisfaction.

Using ERP and CRM systems allows businesses to pursue both avenues. Together, both methods can help a business grow efficiently. ERP helps save money, Boost efficiency, improve decision-making and encourage collaboration.

LaRosa uses customer relationship management to help gather information and customer data to automate customer desires into its structure. LaRosa figures out what the consumer needs and understands ways to please the customers. One way is to hire and train her employees. Learn and understand technology, like what customers expect for hygiene in quality product distribution. Recruit new employees and train old staff to satisfy the expectations that could be expensive. It could be costly with the latest technology, but it will help LaRosa company grow.

Week 4 Discussion – Layouts and Approaches

Please respond to the following:

  • Facility Design must be integrated into and support both Job and Process Design. From the list below, which design would best fit your work environment and why? Provide a summary about how your selection applies.
    • Process Layout
    • Cellular Layout
    • Fixed-Position Layout
    • Facility Layout in Service Organizations
    • Designing Product Layouts
    • Assembly-Line Balancing
    • Line-Balancing Approaches
    • Designing Process Layouts
    • Workplace Design
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Respond to Professor:


Manage Discussion Entry

Greetings Dr. Guevarez and students,

Welcome to week 4 in this course on Operations Management (OM). This week we will be learning about and exploring Facility Design that includes the elements of job and process flow (in the design). A major component of process is determining the facility and process design (layout).

Facility layouts are an important aspect of operations management. In fast food, the idea is to be able to create a sellable finished good (hamburger, sandwich, salad etc) with quality, accuracy, and speed in mind. The layout, as we will discuss this week, is about how the facility is designed to enable customer flow into, through and out of the business. The goal is to accomplish customer satisfaction while delivering the product fast, fresh, and accurate. A company might opt for a U-shaped production line, for example, rather than a long, straight one, to allow products and workers to move more quickly from one area to another. The complexity of the tasks being performed will determine the best type of layout for kitchen/production area. The other important aspect of facility design is ensuring proper circulation and movement of the restaurant staff as well as the customers in the restaurant. The restaurant layout should be designed in a manner that allows customers to find their way inside the restaurant easily, and then to the dining area.

Operations Management is about designing, managing, and improving the set of activities that create products and services and deliver them to customers. We call these activities, the people, the resources (including technology and knowledge), and the procedures that dictate how work is organized the operating system. The basic building block of operating systems is the process. Most operating systems consist of multiple processes. A process takes inputs (in the form of raw materials, labor, capital [equipment /technology], knowledge, and energy), and creates outputs that are of greater value to customers (and, thereby, of greater value to the organization itself).

For an organization to have an effective and efficient manufacturing unit, it is important that special attention is given to facility layout. Facility layout is an arrangement of different aspects of manufacturing in an appropriate manner as to achieve desired production results. Facility layout considers available space, final product, safety of users and facility and convenience of operations. An effective facility layout ensures that there is a smooth and steady flow of production material, equipment, and manpower at minimum cost. Facility layout looks at physical allocation of space for economic activity in the plant. Therefore, main objective of the facility layout planning is to design effective workflow as to make equipment and workers more productive.

As you read from the textbook this week, there are several design options centered Operations Management and improving work flows along with efficiency. Assembly line, Fixed-Position, Process layout, and Cellular layout are just a few examples from the textbook. I am a manufacturer of finished goods within the health and wellness industry. My facility design includes assembly line, cellular and process layouts. I can complete jobs in large batches from start to finish (assembly line), isolate work into “steps” where each step is repeated multiple times to mass produce products (cellular) and even rearrange equipment/personnel to meet the needs of the product being made at that time (process). By having the capability to implement any or all of these functions of my facility design, I am able to keep my production costs lower.


Carpenter, M. A., & Sanders, W. G. (2009). Strategic Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Heizer, J., & Render, B. (2011). Operations Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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