week 5 disscussion


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Discussion Questions:

Before beginning work on this discussion forum, please review the link “Doing Discussion Questions Right” and any specific instructions for this topic.

Before the end of the week, begin commenting on at least two of your classmates’ responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Submit your responses in the Discussion Area.

Complete this discussion in a 150–300 word response.

  • The nursing shortage is a global problem, which affects the host country and the migrating nurse’s country of origin. Please develop a response discussing the motivation for nurses to migrate and the problems migration creates for the host country and country of origin.
  • Describe the process for foreign-educated nurses to achieve credentialing and demonstrate language competency in the United States.

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Your initial posting should be addressed in 150–300 words. Submit your document to this Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.

Respond to your classmates throughout the week. Justify your answers with examples, research, and reasoning. Follow-up posts must be submitted by the end of the week.

Diversity and Organizational Cultural

Diversity is likely one of the most shifting and evolving concepts, influenced by situation and environment, thus reducing it to a fluid dogma. Diversity, as recognized through the lens of governance and leadership, is an anchor providing a point of reference in a changing social environment. While the expansive horizon of diversity can be witnessed in the once narrow view of race and gender, diversity today also embraces religion, gender (including life experiences), lifestyle choices, ideas, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation and gives consideration to the social determinants of sickness and health. The climate of the healthcare organization must balance the ideals of diversity and cultural competency.

Organizational culture encompasses a wide range of social phenomena and can be expressed in behavior, beliefs, values, and modes of difference and subversion. It is the philosophy of an organization. Culture is slow to develop and change, but it is essential for an organization’s culture to maintain a strong moral compass. Organizational culture affects all aspects of expectations and performance as well as customer and employee satisfaction (Spataro, 2005). As such, a supportive organization culture in a healthcare setting must be inclusive of diversity and cultural sensitivity and competency. Organizational culture establishes the guiding beliefs shared by members of the organization and is transferred to new members.

Healthcare organizations face unique challenges due to the changing demographics of its members (employees) and the increasing diversity of society. The nursing shortage increases diversity in the workforce but exacerbates the challenges of cultural sensitivity and competence. This influx potentially creates an issue of organizational commitment (OC) among the existing professional staff, which challenges the loyalty to the organization. A challenge for the strategic human resource management (SHRM) is the ability to assess and maintain OC within its professional staff (McNeese-Smith, 2001). Read the article titled “Nursing Shortage: Building Organizational Commitment among Nurses.” Nurses from around the globe migrate to countries experiencing a shortage of healthcare professionals, seeking professional opportunity and personal growth. This influx of multicultural integration creates pressure with healthcare professionals and the efforts to deliver care. The divergence of sickness and health combined with culture, religion, and language must be considered. In addition, as healthcare struggles to meet the needs of a diverse patient population with respect to cultural competency, it must also meet the patient’s demands with a care provider, which is amenable to their culture and expectations.

Globalization of Healthcare

There is little doubt that healthcare is the “Grand Business,” and its ability to adjust and realign to, identify, and seize the opportunity for growth and profit is unmatched. The genesis of innovation in healthcare is served by the free market concept. Many recognize the US healthcare industry as second to none with respect to innovation, quality, and outcomes. To support this fact, there is a long history of dignitaries and statesmen who seek healthcare at leading teaching institutions in the United States. To further this point, leading healthcare organizations in the United States have established international care centers designed to provide care to this select population.

A number of leading healthcare organizations have established satellite healthcare facilities, which provide care at locations around the globe. This globalization of healthcare services interconnects the world but poses cultural challenges. The western medical education has some challenges in other cultures and the conceptual idea of globalization in healthcare can present a countercurrent of diversity. The ideas of diversity and difference rest within the individual as well as how he or she perceive their difference and barriers. By no means is it inferred that the issue or idea of diversity does not exist. It, in fact, is real and a challenge for many for a multitude of reasons.

There is an estimated global healthcare workforce shortage of almost 4.3 million consisting of physicians, midwives, nurses, and other professionals. This shortage has spurred the migration of healthcare workers from around the globe to the United States. Healthcare professionals pursue opportunity through the migration process, seeking education, training, compensation, and quality of life. However, while the migration patterns might alleviate the problem for the host nation, they could exacerbate the problems for the country of origin, increasing the healthcare and disease burden. To address the shortage of health professional, education programs and the development of new programs must be a priority.

Satellite Healthcare Services

The United States is renowned for its excellence in healthcare around the globe. Dignitaries and Royalty have been known to access healthcare through international care clinics at leading healthcare centers in the United States. Many of the foremost teaching healthcare organizations offer international care to the world’s elite. These facilities are present, but most people never have the opportunity to have knowledge of the facilities for privacy and security reasons. Individuals from around the globe visit international care centers for specific care. There facilities are designed to cater to healthcare needs for the international client. A partial listing of healthcare organizations offering international care are Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Massachusetts General, Slone Kettering, Johns Hopkins, and a host of others. Many facilities specialize in specific medical need areas. In more recent years, geography has played a role in international care venues. Great Britain has been increasing its capability of elite international healthcare and is a matter of convenience for some European dignitaries.

In addition, some healthcare organizations have established satellite facilities around the globe. These facilities provide healthcare to millions abroad. A partial listing is given below.

Healthcare Ideals and Multiculturalism

The healthcare professional shortage dominates the healthcare industry and is worldwide, furthering the globalization of healthcare ideals and multiculturalism. The supply of healthcare professionals falls far short of the increasing demand in the United States and around the globe.

The migration pattern of healthcare workers is dynamic and creates an imbalance between countries of origin and host countries. In many countries, the departure of healthcare professionals creates a dearth of talent considered a “braindrain,” which exacerbates a concern and increases the number of vulnerable populations (Bieski, 2007). Foreign-educated nurses working in the United States comprise approximately 5percent of the nursing workforce.

This migration of skilled healthcare professionals, directly and indirectly, affects the health system. Its consequences not only affect healthcare delivery and outcomes but also affect the remaining workforce of healthcare professionals. The portion of the workforce that doesn’t migrate remains poorly paid, poorly equipped, and limited in quality supervision and information transfer and experiences stress. On an interesting note, not all countries view the loss of nurses through migration as a detriment. Some countries view the exportation of nurses overseas as new growth opportunity, with nurses repatriating money to assist struggling families remaining in their country of origin (Stilwell, 2003).

It is important to understand that the United States is not the only country faced with an aging population, among other problems. It is also important to recognize that the aging population contributes to the problem, with healthcare workers departing the workforce through the process of retirement.

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