week 7 disc reply to Natalie S


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Medicines that medical products and practices that are not part of standard medical care are

considered complementary and alternative practices. Treatments that are used with standard medical treatments are known as complementary medicine. Non-mainstream practice used with conventional medicine is complementary. Non-mainstream practice used in replace of a conventional medicine is known as an alternative (Lake & Spiegel, 2019). For example aromatherapy can be used as a complementary treatment and sometimes it can be used as an alternative treatment. Many complementary and alternative treatments can be used to assist with treating or curing a health condition. Another example may be acupuncture to help with nausea which is one of the many side effects of chemotherapy with patients who have cancer. Homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic and herbal herbal medicine can all be used as an alternative or complementary. There are several other treatments such as aromatherapy oils that may be used in post-op patients to recuse pain after surgery instead of prescription drugs. With patients that suffer from depression and anxiety, meditation may also be used to help with the practice of cognitive behavioral therapy (Lake & Spiegel, 2019).The senior community may find complementary therapy such as Tai Chi to help improve flexibility and strength. Many smokers have found hypnosis as a treatment for smoking cessation. Massage therapy and acupuncture have also been used with addiction treatment regimens. Therapeutic touch has also been helpful both physically and mentally. The nurse practitioner’s role can be to educate and relate alternative and complementary therapies to patients . By keeping a record of therapy used and outcomes this can help with the health goals of the patients and help with the reliability of treatments for hypnosis regarding smoking cessation. Outcomes differ from patient to patient since every individual will respond differently so it’s important to keep track of how the treatments affected their goal of quitting smoking. Hypnosis may have helped them decrease their time smoking which needs to be documented. The nurse practitioner may also need to help utilize other treatments that may be better for the patient and continue to monitor the patient’s outcome. With any treatment it is important for patients to stay consistent and be compliant with treatments and appointments which will assist with tracking their outcome.


Lake, J., & Spiegel, D. (2019). Complementary and alternative treatments in mental health care. American Psychiatric Pub.

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