Workplace Writing report


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There are very few careers that do not require writing. During this assignment you will learn the writing requirements for a selected profession. If you know what career you are preparing for, then I suggest you explore that career. If not, choose a career that you find interesting. For the personal interview, if possible, choose someone you already know. Since most of us are working remotely, your chances are must greater of securing an interview with someone you know. This can be a friend, relative, acquaintance, co-worker, professor, or anyone else you can approach with your request for a personal interview.

The purpose of the assignment is to explore the workplace writing in a given profession, including the education and training required – keep it focused on writing. It’s easy to digress, to wander off topic during this essay, so keep in mind that you are focusing on the writing in that profession.


I. Identify a probable career path.

II. Conduct research on the types of writing in that discourse community.

III. Analyze your preparation for becoming a writer in that discourse community.

• Audience: students with similar career paths

• Purpose: to expand your knowledge of the expectations for writing and the skills required in your professional discourse community.

• Mode: Multi-modal paper: Informative, analytic, research, narrative

• Genre: report


4-5 pages

Times New Roman or Cambria 12 point font


Creative, original title


? Personal Interview

? Analysis of documents

Report Headings:

Intro – Identify what the report is and the purpose

I. Career Path (Describe the career and what preparation is required, e.g. education)

1. What is it? Explain why you chose it.

2. Education/preparation (writing preparation)

3. Brief explanation of the writing demands of the job.

II. Interview(s)

III. Analysis of Documents (Genres-format, language, structure, tone, frequency, audience)

IV. Conclusion – what did you learn about the writing requirements and kinds of writing in your chosen profession

Explanation & Answer

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