Broadway Dance Video Analysis – Pick #3


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Part 1 – View your video and take notes

A. Watch the dance you chose.

B. Write down notes of your first impressions. (These are just your notes and do not need to be included in your assignment submission.)

C. Use your growing list of dance influences as a resource. Watch the dance a second (3rd? 4th?) time to determine which people, dance genres, dance styles and steps influenced the dance in your video.

[Note: all of the above leads to notes for the written analysis, which begins below…]

Part 2 – Write your analysis of the dance, including the following:

A. Show Information – You may need to do some detective work to find all of the above show info. Here is a GREAT resource:

IF YOU ARE ANALYZING A REVIVAL, GIVE THE INFORMATION (YEAR, CAST, CHOREOGRAPHER) FOR THE REVIVAL. You do not need to give info about the original production.

  1. Name of show (year it opened on Broadway) – Show names are always in italics
  2. “Name of song(s)/dance number(s)” – Song/dance title(s) in quotation marks. IMPORTANT NOTE: If there is more than one dance number in the video, you must name and analyze both!
  3. APA citation for video. See Writing & Citing Guidelines – APA in your Course Home. To get video info, click on the video, then click the YouTube icon on the bottom right to “View on YouTube.”
  4. Choreographer(s)
  5. Dancers – If there is a large company of dancers, list the lead(s) followed by “and Company”, e.g. Dancers: Chita Rivera and Company.

B. Comments about what makes this dance special – Write a paragraph about why you like the dance you chose. Include details. [“Energetic and upbeat” is great, but not specific enough. “The way the dancers kicked their legs, with such energy, like they were punting footballs…” is much better, more descriptive. Please avoid using “a lot”, which is slang for “many”, “quite a few”, “a large amount”, etc.] Be sure to write about the dancing and what you found interesting, compelling, innovative, etc. A good strategy is trying to “sell” this dance to a friend, with specific ideas to get your friend excited to see the dance.

C. Dance Influences – This is the major part of your assessment…

For this DVA, demonstrate you knowledge of Weeks 6 and 7 by connecting influences mostly from the most recent readings!

1. Write a list of at least 4 influences from our content that you see STRONGLY represented in your dance. All significant influences from our course content should be included.

Influences can include:

People: Are there choreographers, performers, etc. that we have studied who danced or choreographed dance step phrases or styles that you see in the dance? [Again, “energetic” is too general.]

Shows: Does your dance strongly remind you of any of the shows we have discussed so far in the course? Why?

Dance steps/styles: What style(s) or genres of dance do you see in your video? How do you know?

Concepts: Be careful with this one. Sometimes, a dance can really remind you of an influence in a conceptual way. For example, Master Juba is both an influence as a person and Juba could also be used as a conceptual/structural influence for a dance. [Check your notes!] Precision dance is also considered a concept.

Your dance may or may not have influences from all of these areas. List only those influences that are STRONGLY evidenced in your dance. A reader–including me–should be able to see, from your description and your example, a direct connection from the dance influence to your dance. Please do not write up a kitchen sink list.

2. Next to each influence:

a. Describe characteristic elements of that influence.

b. Connect elements from each dance influence directly to an example of where you notice them in the dance video. Describe the example and include a timestamp from the video.

Part 3 – Check your work

Check the rubric! Full points are given only for exceptional work. Remember that the depth of your understanding of all course content can be clearly seen in the depth/quality of your work. Go to the Broadway Dance Video Analysis rubric in your ASSIGNMENT DUE DATES & RUBRICS Module.

Part 4 – Submit your work:

a. Attach a Word doc.

b. Please include your full name as the first part of the file name.



Reminder: Do not collaborate with another student on any assignment. Review course policies and penalties for plagiarism in the Academic Integrity Policies in your MUST READ Module at the top of the course.

  • Please consider the following when completing this week’s assignment.
    • The Franchonetti Sisters’ dance and the Quadrille were just tools for us to connect ideas about society perspective in watching dances. Do not use them as an influence.
    • Make sure you are reading all content. If the assignment is in Week 4, you can be sure that many of the significant influences that are connected to the dance videos are from Week 4. Same goes for Week 5. You should be taking notes and adding to your list of influences each week. As the weeks accumulate, your list of influences should as well.
    • Videos from the course content are there to reinforce the readings. Just because you see a dance step in one video, does not mean that the dance in the video is an influence for one of the videos you are analyzing if you see the same step. Remember, you are connecting significant dance influencers, styles, shows, etc. If you see a similar dance step or style, who is the choreographer of the first dance? That is the influence!
    • Do not use videos from assignments as influences unless we studied them in the course content.
    • A good rule is, if you read about it in the course, it is probably important. However, you need to find the influences that most connect to the dance. For example: Ballet is not usually a significant influence in a tap dance, especially when we have studied and will continue to study the most important tap dance influencers in history.
    • Scholarly writing
      • Use the full name or last name only (after 1st time a person is mentioned) when talking about a performer, choreographer, etc.
      • “A lot” is a general slang term. Instead, find the quantifier that matches what you’re talking about, e.g., “many”, “several”, “quite a few”, etc.
      • “In sync” is slang for “in synchrony” (e.g., “They danced in synchrony.”) or “synchronized” (e.g., “The dancers’ movements were synchronized.”)
      • Watch verb tense: Choose past tense and stick with it. Also, avoid “passive” verb tense (“When the dancer would kick, …”). Instead, make the stronger statement “When the dancer kicked, …)
      • Place a proper heading on your assignment and make sure you are naming your file: last name first name DVA2.

      Video #1 – Newsies “Seize the Day”

    • Video #2 – Cats the Musical “The Jellicle Ball Dance”
    • Video #3 – Aladdin “Friend Like Me”
Explanation & Answer

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