F23 IWC&Y Play Therapy


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Task BEFORE you watch the REQUIRED videos on Play therapy and how to build rapport with a child/youth:

1. Have a `15 minute interaction with either “one” of the following age groups:

a) Child 13 thru 16 years

b) Child of 10 thru 12 years

c) Child 7 thru 9 years

d) Child 4 thru 6 years

The interaction means that you are going to START a general “Initial” conversation with the child/youth to get to know the person or how the child/youth’s day was, favorite things to do, talk about the fact that you are a student in school too and how your day was. Just talk!! Nothing else. DO NOT INFORM THE CHILD/YOUTH THAT YOU ARE DOING AN ASSIGNMENT FOR A CLASS. If child/youth is not your child/teen, please request permission to speak with the child/youth from the parent(s). You will inform the parent that it is for an assignment for a class and answer any questions that the parent(s) may have. Please share with the parent(s) that in your first meeting with the child, you will spend about 15 minutes talking to the child about their day in school, favorite color, hobbies, what they did in the summer, etc. Please speak to the child within a frame of reference related to “safe” conversations. If you work with children/youth at an agency this may be acceptable as a learning experience if you obtain permission from the supervisor or agency director as appropriate to speak with a child/youth at the agency/facility. DO NOT “OPEN A CAN OF WORMS” WITH THE CHILD IF YOU KNOW THERE ARE BEHAVIORAL ISSUES WITH THE CHILD AT SCHOOL OR IN THE HOME.

IF IT IS NOT YOUR CHILD, REQUEST PERMISSION TO SPEAK WITH THE CHILD. YOU WILL INFORM THE PARENT THAT IT IS AN ASSIGNMENT FOR YOUR MSW CLASS. EXPLAIN TO THE PARENT WHAT YOU WILL DO in both Part I and Part II. For example in the first conversation you will talk with the child/youth using adult interaction standing up, sitting at a table or on a sofa/chair. Then in Part II, after you have watched the assigned play therapy videos you will interact with the child again using child play techniques that you learned during the week for establishing rapport with children/youth, i.e., using cards, drawing, sitting on the floor with a younger child instead of standing, etc. You will explain that the purpose is to demonstrate to you/the student the importance of interacting with the child on his/her level.


Task I: Spend time just talking with a child before viewing the play therapy videos: Before viewing the videos listed below you are to spend approximately 15 minutes engaged in an informal conversation with a child under the age of 10 years.

a) Do not sit on the floor with the child or engage with the child at his/her physical level, i.e., sit at a regular sized table, standing, or sitting on the sofa.

b) Speak your normal adult-tone and use regular language that you would normally use with an adult, but not angry or stern tones.

c) Make notes of what you noticed about the child’s conversation with you and his/her degree of comfort. Did the child appear eager to engage in a conversation with you? Was he/she restless and ready to leave? Was there a lack of attention. Did you have to compete with the television or a video game?

d) UPLOAD THE ATTACHED FORM FOR THE FIRST PART OF THE ASSIGNMENT – Click on the following link See attached form for link

NOTE: This is an important assignment and one that prior students have always taken pleasure in being able to see how the demeanor of the child changed once they used basic techniques for interviewing a child. Therefore, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this assignment. Please note that you will not attempt to engage in therapy or to implement any type of therapeutic technique with the child.You may choose to try out some of the simple games to establish rapport with the child and to make the child comfortable.

Task II

a) After viewing the YouTube videos below, you will have a 15 thru 20 minute conversation with the same child. Implement some of the techniques/games that you were informed of/or grasped from the YouTube videos.

b) Again, take notes regarding how the child reacted and responded to your conversation. Was there a noticeable difference between the two interactions with the child. What behaviors did you observe this time? Did the child appear eager to engage in a conversation with you? Was he/she restless and ready to leave? Was there a lack of attention. Did you have to compete with the television or a video game?


See attached form and upload it after you complete the second part of the Assignment and after watching the YouTube videos.

Explanation & Answer

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