Reply 2


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reply to at least two of your peer’s posts. In each reply, please do at least one of the following:

  1. Note an idea that you and your peer shared or agreed upon.
  2. Share some feedback or commentary about something interesting he/she shared that you may not have considered.

***The replies must also be at least 60 words each.

Abdullah Alrawe

The American Dream, which was formerly viewed as an attainable goal signifying equality of opportunity and achievement via labor, now faces formidable obstacles in today’s culture. The idea behind the American Dream is that anyone can overcome challenges and find financial success and individual satisfaction by working hard and being determined. Contrasting viewpoints contend that systemic obstacles, economic inequalities, and uneven distribution of resources prevent a sizeable percentage of the population from realizing this ideal.

Thesis Statement: The American Dream promises equality of opportunity and prosperity for all who put up the necessary effort, but current social and economic circumstances highlight considerable barriers that prevent a sizable portion of the population from realizing it, accentuating the necessity for reconsideration and reform.

Topic sentence: The American Dream is difficult for many people to achieve because of economic inequality and restricted access to high-quality education.

Topic sentence: Societal narratives frequently obscure systemic injustices that continually marginalize particular communities and obstruct their quest of the American Dream in favor of the myth of equal opportunity.

Topic sentence: In light of these difficulties, it is essential for promoting a truly inclusive and fair society to recognize and deal with the structural barriers to realizing the American Dream.

Marwah Algharbi

American Dream

According to Zakaria, Fareed in “Restoring The American Dream.” tells a story about his thoughts on the American dream, especially since he moved to the United States from India to attend college. While he believed the American dream was about material wealth and opportunity, he realized it was more about contentment, a certain standard of living, and optimism. The middle class in America embodies these values, which are different from India’s focus on status and success. However, Zakaria noticed a shift in the attitude of Americans toward economic issues as they became more frustrated. In addition, he observed that they need to focus on the economy and education to recapture the American dream. Creating more jobs and stimulating growth will restore people’s faith in the American dream, and education will level the playing field and teach the values of hard work, determination, and perseverance. Ultimately, the American dream is still alive and can be achieved by working hard to maintain it (Zakaria).

  • Claim about the American Dream’s Status Today:

The American Dream, once a symbol of endless opportunities and prosperity, is now facing a harsh reality due to the disruptive effects of technology and globalization. It used to be easier than it was to achieve the American Dream.

  • Counterclaim:

Some people may believe that the American Dream still exists, and they highlight the American people’s ability to adapt and overcome challenges, along with the country’s innovative spirit that has persisted over time.

  • Thesis Statement:

The American Dream faces challenges due to technological advancements and global competition. To get it back on track, the United States should prioritize investment over consumption, focus on education and training, and compare its policies against global standards.

  • Topic Sentences:

1- Shifting from consumption to investment is crucial for reviving the American Dream and creating sustainable employment opportunities. It can happen through prioritizing research, technology, and development.

2- The education and training sector requires a significant remodel, emphasizing enhanced apprenticeship programs and equipping the workforce with the necessary skills for contemporary job roles.

3- Benchmarking policies against global standards can help the United States compete in the global economy.

Works Cited

Zakaria, Fareed. “Restoring The American Dream. (Cover Story).” TIME Magazine, vol. 176, no. 18, Nov. 2010, pp. 30–35. EBSCOhost,

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