EDUC111 Week 2 Discussion

Description Describe specific benchmarks that you would look for when observing children as indicators that they are progressing in their social-emotional development. Give specific examples supported by the theories presented in the readings and lesson content. Classmate #1: Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development consists of eight stages, each linked to a specific developmental task….

CHFD308 Week 2 Discussion II

Description Classmate #1: Hello class, Socioeconomic status is a concept that affects overall human function and it can affect our mental and physical well-being. Socioeconomic status can be split between higher socioeconomic status and lower socioeconomic status. To begin, families with higher SES levels typically have more financial resources, giving them access to facilities for…

EDMG230: Unified Command

Description 1. Explain the difference between incident command and unified command. 2. Research the internet and find an article, video or webpage detailing an emergency incident that used a unified command. 3. Post the link to the article, video or webpage. 4. Was the command structure effective for this incident? If yes, describe why. If…