question one

Description For this assignment you will be filling out forms and different activities. All of the material can be found within this link. Please use the Virtual FBA Documents Template to complete the assignment. Here is what you need to do for this assignment: The PDF that says ReliasLearning_IDD_VirtualFBA_Whitepaper is where you will find the…

power point

Description Each student will develop a PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint presentation should provide a detailed overview of one of the topics listed in Appendix F of the syllabus that you have been assigned based upon your rankings. The presentation should help provide parents, other professionals, and/or individuals with autism with current information on the topic….

DU Data Triangulation Chart

Description Please review the Powerpoint (don’t forget to listen to the audio for each slide!), read the rubric,  and review the entire assignment document prior to beginning the assignment.  You must submit all of the following to receive full credit:  1) Data triangulation chart 2) Problem behavior pathway 3) Competing behavior pathway 4) Hypothesis statement…

DU Understanding and Reducing Implicit Bias Discussion

Description mplicit bias is the idea that we all hold ideas about people and things that are usually out of our conscious awareness, yet influence perceptions and subsequent decisions and judgements we make, particularly about other people we come in contact with.  This topic is relevant to many of the divisions we are experiencing in…

Dominican University Common Misperception Discussion

Description Discuss a common misperception (e.g., causes, food allergies, functioning, gender issues, types of treatments, etc.) related to autism spectrum disorders. There is a lot information that has been published related to ASD. The majority of the information is accurate; however, there also is a lot of misinformation that has been published related to ASD….

DU Intervention in Children with Autism Psychological Effect Paper

Description Select 3 articles from professional refereed journals.  The articles must be over 6 pages in length.  The articles cannot be from newsletters, or summaries found on webpages, or electronic journals.  However, journals that are published but then are also available electronically are okay.  They must be data based research articles. A data based article…

DU Data Triangulation Chart

Description Please review the Powerpoint (don’t forget to listen to the audio for each slide!), read the rubric,  and review the entire assignment document prior to beginning the assignment.  You must submit all of the following to receive full credit:  1) Data triangulation chart 2) Problem behavior pathway 3) Competing behavior pathway 4) Hypothesis statement…