Unit 5: Instruction Decision Making

Description Purpose: Consider the contextual factors, characteristics of the classroom, individual students, and design appropriate instruction that utilizes research-based strategies and technology to help students master objectives for the unit of study. Unit 5: Objectives: 5.1. Use instructional modifications based on needs of students to modify/delete/add instruction. 5.2. Describe instructional differentiation or modifications based on…

Short Discussion Post

Description At the outset of this course we looked at the costs of attending higher education. During the last forty years the sticker price at public and private colleges has risen dramatically and the net price (tuition after institutional and government aid) has also risen by a lot, though a bit less fast. Overall enrollment…

Unit 6: Analysis of Student Learning

Description Unit 6 Objectives: 6.1. Analyze Student Assessment Data. 6.2. Describe evidence and interpretation of impact on student learning. ***Assignment: Use student assessment data to analyze student learning. (I have uploaded Unit 3-Assessments completed essay/assignment) Analyze student learning gains for the whole class, subgroups, and individual students. Provide evidence of impact on student learning and…

Unit 7-Internship Reflection

Description Assignment: Reflect on student learning and possible reasons for high or low success/levels of mastery. Discuss implications for future instructional design, teaching, and professional development you engaged in or plan to seek to engage in to improve your performance as a teacher. * See specific information needed to complete assignment below: Using short answer…