Discussion post

Description IRB is an important step in the research process. State the required components one should look for in a project to determine if IRB submission is needed. Discuss an example of a research study in one of your literature review articles that needed IRB approval, and describe why IRB approval was needed in this…

Current Medication Study

Description MEDICATION OF CHOICE : ceftriaxone Rubric: Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePatient Overview 18 pts Meets or Exceeds Expectations Accurately identifies demographic data, past health history. Medical diagnosis: identifies 2 priority nursing judgments 13.68 pts Mostly Meets Expectations Does not accurately Identify demographic data, past health history. Medical diagnosis:…

clinical judgement plan

Description NURS 481L Clinical Judgment Plan Revised-1 NURS 481L Clinical Judgment Plan Revised-1 Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHistory of present illness (HPI) and comprehensive clinical examination/review of systems (ROS) 8 pts Proficient Explains HPI and ROS in detail with clear and accurate understanding of chief complaint. Evidence-based rationales clearly…


Description I took a Nurse practitioner board predictor test and need to submit remediation for missed questions. 2-3 small paragraphs per missed question Instructions Remediation Overview: Remediation is available for students who score less than 70% on the exam. If needed, the remediation plan should be started immediately and be submitted no later than Sunday…

Power Point and Oral presentation on Dementia

Description Now that you have completed your paper, build and deliver a video presentation that details your solution to the healthcare issue that serves as your topic.In your presentation, you should: Exhibit comprehensive research and understanding by referencing important points and insights from the perspectives of inquiry papers. Present your issue and your argument for…

PHIL341: discussion

Description Consider the various consequentialist and non-consequentialist moral theories we’ve studied this week, such as utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. Choose one theory that you find to be most compelling and another that you find to be least convincing as a guide for ethical and moral action. Present a reasoned argument explaining why you find…

discussion 8

Description Please describe the topic you have chosen for the Week 8 PowerPoint presentation and discuss why you feel it is important to nursing and healthcare. Cite at least one scholarly source using current APA Style in your response. You are required to participate on at least three (3) days of the week to receive…