Story time 3

Description CREATE A STORY This is a fun—and challenging—way to reinforce the meaning of medical words and the word elements is to create a story using the words and word elements from chapter 9-12. The medical words and word elements are to be substituted for words in a appropriate story that you make. Submit your…

Discussion Forum: Voter Participation (Chapter 7)

Description Voter turnout in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election was record-breaking – even with a pandemic. According to a Pew Research article, “Americans voted in record numbers in last year’s presidential election, casting nearly 158.4 million ballots. That works out to more than six-in-ten people of voting age and nearly two-thirds of estimated eligible voters.”…

Discussion #4: Erie Canal

Description Discussion #4: Erie Canal (Other due dates apply) 2525 unread replies.2525 replies. After reading your textbook and viewing this videoLinks to an external site., answer the following questions and make sure to respond to at least two other students’ responses: 1. Why is the Erie Canal so important? 2. Who were the majority of…

Discussion Forum: Political Socialization (Chapter 6)

Description An individual’s political socialization is a process that begins when they are very young and evolves with age and life experience. In Chapter 6, the textbook expands on who influences our political ideology, or, in other words, how we see government ideally serving its role in our lives. Primary agents of socialization include family,…

Discussion Forum: Systems of Executive Leadership (Chapter 12)

Description In chapter 12, the author poses a critical thinking challenge on systems of executive leadership. The author states: In writing the U.S. Constitution, the framers created the first of what today is called a presidential system. Executive authority rests with the president, while legislative authority is vested in the Congress. Later on, when democratic…

story time 4

Description CREATE A STORY This is a fun—and challenging—way to reinforce the meaning of medical words and the word elements is to create a story using the words and word elements from chapter 13-16. The medical words and word elements are to be substituted for words in a appropriate story that you make. Submit your…

Discussion #5: Abolitionist

Description Watch the video on Abolitionists and answer the following questions while responding to at least two other student’s answers: 1. What actions did Angelina Grimke do that was so out of the ordinary of women in this time period? 2. What invention was at the heart of making sure slavery was needed? Why? 3….