Computer Science Question

Description Overview One of the three focus projects for this course is the creation of a technical brief based on research you’ve conducted. The audience for this brief is the security/IT director for a fictional organization at which you are employed for the purposes of this assignment. This technical brief will serve as the basis…

Read the prompt and write a 3 paragraph discussion initial post answering the questions below

Description PROMPT: For your initial post, address the following: Consider your role as a professional. Use what you have you’ve learned in this course and this week’s supplemental resources to support your answer and guide you as you discuss the following: QUESTIONS: Which database role would you like best for your professional career, and why?…

Respond to both peer posts below in 5-6 sentences by reflecting on their initial post.

Description PEER POST # 1 From this course, my biggest takeaway has been understanding the intricate dynamics and methodologies of cybersecurity. It’s a realm that is ever-evolving and demands continuous adaptation. The most important aspect of this course, in my opinion, was its emphasis on the practical applications of security principles. It’s one thing to…

Read the prompt below and answer the prompt in 2-3 paragraphs

Description Prompt: Communication from leadership and management has significant effects within an organizational setting. The decisions that leaders make can have a tremendous impact on worker satisfaction and morale, for better or for worse. In your initial post, describe a time when you were impacted by a leadership communication or a decision in an organization…

Follow the directions below

Description Follow the directions below and create a research question, a working thesis and a detailed outline based on any argumentative topic. Answer the reflection questions below as well. ASSIGNMENT: Following the Topic Selection Guidelines below, choose an argumentative topic to research. This will be your topic throughout the entire course, so the activities required…

Respond to the peer post below in regards to my initial discussion post below

Description PEER POST QUESTION: You shared a good example of acting in a leadership role in the workplace. You mentioned that you took the time to organize the tasks of your team members and to include them in discussions about progress. Remember that in module 1 we learned that a leader’s responsibilities include inspiring and…

Read the prompt below and write a 2-3 paragraph initial discussion post based on the questions below

Description Prompt : In multiple professions, leaders might lead in one situation, but follow in another. For example, a manager might lead a specific team but still report up to a director, or a member of upper management, in a follower capacity. Consider what you read in the module resources, then consider your own past…

Read the prompt below and answer the following questions based on the article

Description Prompt: Before you complete your initial post, read Section 1.2 in the “Security of IP Routing Protocols” resource. In your post, analyze this question from the document: “If these companies had such a hard time getting it perfect, what chance does anyone else have?” Although this was written in 2001, many of the identified…