MHD521 SLP34

Description Please read the following: Healthy People in Healthy Communities, or A Strategy for Creating a Healthy Community: MAP-IT, so that you will understand the MAP-IT program before you start this SLP. Also please read this article: Melany Mack, Ron Uken, Jane Powers (2006) People Improving the Community’s Health: Community Health Workers as Agents of…

Philosophy Discussion and 2 responses

Description Description: As you can see from this week’s readings, true critical thinking may be more rare than most thing and often requires hard work. The rewards, however, are well worth it. After reading about critical thinking as “Defined by the National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking” and Peter Facione’s “Expert consensus statement regarding…

Recruitment Powerpoint

Description Research recruitment challenges unique to today’s organizations. In a PowerPoint Presentation explain each challenge you would like to cover (at least 3). From what you have learned so far, provide recommendations organizations can use to overcome these challenges. In the same presentation, include information on ethics and legal aspects of recruitment and hiring. Be…


Description You are required to develop a financial analysis of Kaiser Permanente. The intent of this assignment is to evaluate the financial and operational health of the organization. APA format. 5 Scholarly References. 3 pages not including Title page and reference page. Your content should be clear, logical, and report on the businessÂ’ location(s) and…

Phil Discussions(2) and 2 responses

Description Discussion 1 Discussion question, Please go to and find the topic “Artificial Intelligence” ( )or “Is the Internet ‘making us stupid’?” Pick one Pro OR one Con (except for the one used in the example below) and do the following: Using the material in Chapter 5, try to diagram the premises and…