Clinical Workplace Program Policies and Plans

Description Clinical Workplace Practice Plan – (include both parts listed below– Use title/heading in paper for each part) – Total of 8-12 pages of descriptive content (page count does not include title page or reference list) Part One – Workplace Programs/Policies – Can be focused on your chosen population group or general population specific programs/policies….

Strategic Planing Failure

Description Before you begin this paper, research the primary causes of strategic planning failure, specifically in healthcare organizations. In this paper, you need to include a response to each of the following questions: 1. What is the purpose of a strategic plan? 2. What are the primary causes of strategic planning failure? 3. Do you…

right a recommendation letter for scholarship application

Description Please wright a recommendation letter for scholarship application. This scholorship is called DR. NO-HEE PARK AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE : To provide awards to third year dental students recognized for their excellence in research, leadership, and the art and science of dentistry. I am a 3rd year dental student at UCLA school of dentistry. During…

USC Uses and Gratifications Discussion

Description In this discussion assignment, I am taking a decidedly different approach to explicating a mass communication theory by applying the theory (uses and gratifications) in personal terms (how and why you use certain communication technologies and media).  This is multi-tiered discussion assignment designed to (1) prompt an extended discussion, and (2) enhance your understanding…