Finance Question

Description Question 3 [5 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 15 marks]Word gets out that you are doing such a great job in your new role and so it is not long beforeyou are asked back to UTS to give a guest lecture. The subject coordinator has asked you tohelp with some of the…


Description · Write your essay in response to ONE of the following questions. Except for questions 2 and 7, the quotations are offered as a prompt only; you do not need to refer to the quotation in your answer, although you may do so if you wish.


Description You’re required to write a 3,000 word critical essay that responds to at least one of the four conceptual blocks that organise this course: Atmosphere + Earth + Ocean; Logistics + Borders; Cities + Streets; Home + Work. You will develop your own specific research question that focuses on a case study or studies…

600words pretation+slides and 750 words reflection

Description Reading 1 – Kress & Van Leeuwen (2020/2021) Chapter 3: Conceptual representations: Designing social constructs. OPTIONAL Bell, Philip and Milic, Marco 2002 Goffman’s Gender Advertisements revisted: combining content analysis with semiotic analysis’, Visual Communication, 1:2, pp203-222 Lirola, MM 2006 A critical analysis of the image of immigrants in multimodal texs. Linguistics and the Human…