The Origins of New World Slavery & Making of Race in Colonial North America


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Weekly Writing Assignment (20%)Due in Canvasby theduedate(designatedSunday)by 11:59 P.M.

as a text entry: Students can miss one weekly assignment without penalty. Students are required to answer specific
questions about the supplemental readings in 12 pages, singlespaced, Times New Roman, 12point font. However, students
need to follow a specific format for the readings from Major Problems in AfricanAmerican History, which contains two parts:
The first section is a series of documents or “primary sources” produced by people who lived during a particular time. These
writings address some aspect of the theme(s) in the historians’ essays. The second section contains essays written by historians
or “secondary sources” on the topic for that week. *
Follow These Instructions Before Submitting Weekly Assignment on Major Problems in African
American History
In the first paragraph, state only the thesis or argument advanced by the historian(s). Three or four sentences
should be sufficient; students must include a direct quote from the authors that clearly states their main argument.
They should also include one specific example from the article that supports the authors’ main argument or key
points. In the second paragraph, students will be asked to evaluate the documents or “primary sources.” After closely
reading and thinking about the primary sources, students will need to explain how at least three or four primary
sources support or challenge the historians’ argument. If you think the evidence supports no author, you will need to explain how at least three or four of the primary sources provides insights into the particular topic or theme of the

The sources are in the upload files

Explanation & Answer

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